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Pre-finishing Services

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Capital Woodworking provides custom stain matching, staining, finishing, priming and painting services! We specialize in providing this service to builders and contractors, but also homeowners taking on their own projects, looking for high quality and fast turnaround on linear moldings, doors and trim. We've seen many samples brought in for us to stain match, and the quality of both the moldings themselves and the finish quality are almost always unacceptable to us. When you and your customers demand quality, you can count on Capital Woodworking to get the job done! We've heard it from builders and installers alike - our finished linear moldings are top quality.

Custom Service

Primed and painted or stained and finished

Large or small quantity

Stock molding profiles, or custom cut knives

We can handle it all!


Competitive Pricing

Our years of experience have allowed us to learn the most efficient process for finishing in our facility, which results in a highly consistent product and consistent turnaround times to meet your deadlines. This also translates to consistent pricing. Contact us today for a quote!

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